Bionic "concept car" MANTIS hexapod robot exposure

A few days ago, a forthcoming trend of life technology show "One Button Start" exposed a very sci-fi bionics "concept car" at the foreign technology exhibition - MANTIS six-legged walking robot . This machine, code-named "蟑螂", mimics the insect walking pattern and has a strong passability. By contrast, the concept cars of the upcoming Guangzhou Auto Show are simply weak!

"One button start" exposure MANTIS (蟑螂) robot

The walking robot codenamed "MANTIS(蟑螂)" is made by a company called micromagicsystems, which is full of sci-fi styles in terms of styling and color matching. The cockpit can accommodate a driver. The experience of "One Touch Startup" is like shooting a sci-fi blockbuster, but the main purpose of the hexapod is the exploration of complex terrain.

MANTIS mimics insect walking patterns

As its name suggests, MANTIS's way of travel mimics the insect's six-legged travel mode. When traveling, the six-legged will be divided into two groups of alternately lifting, moving forward, and landing. The three-legged thread triangles raised at the same time as in the above figure. This ensures the stability of the travel process. This type of travel is currently only suitable for complex terrain. The disadvantage is that the speed will be very slow.

"One button start" moderator driving MANTIS

The sci-fi atmosphere of the MANTIS cab is fairly spacious, compared to the car control method is relatively simple, the female host is easy to control after a short training, forward and backward, there is really a feeling of future soldiers.

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Shenzhen Hongyian Electronics Co., Ltd. ,