GB/T5700-2008 "Lighting Measurement Method" implemented on January 1, 2009:
GB/T5700-2008 "Lighting Measurement Method" drafted by China Academy of Building Research, China National Institute of Standardization, etc., which was published on 2008-07-16, published on 2008-12-25, and implemented on 2009-01-01 It is under the jurisdiction of the National Human Ergonomics Standardization Technical Committee.
The CISPR15 version 7.2 standard was released in January 2009:
CISPR15Limitsandmethodsofmeasurementofradiodisturbancecharacteristicsofelectricallightingandsimilarequipment "Restrictions and Measurement Methods for Radio Disturbance Characteristics of Electrical Lighting and Similar Equipment", version 7.2, was released in January 2009.
The IEC61347-2-10 version 1.1 standard was released in January 2009 :
IEC61347-2-10Lampcontrolgear-Part2-10articularrequirementsforelectronicinvertorsandconvertorsforhigh-frequencyoperationofcoldstarttubulardischargelamps(neontubes) "Control devices for lamps - Part 2-10: Particular requirements for electronic converters and converters for high-temperature cold-start tubular gas discharge lamps (N) Version 1.1 standard, released in January 2009
The IEC61000-3-2-am2 version 3.0 standard was released in February 2009:
IEC61000-3-2Amendment2-Electromagneticcompatibility(EMC)-Part3-2imits-Limitsforharmoniccurrentemissions(equipmentinputcurrent≤16Aperphase) "Electromagnetic compatibility Part 3-2: Limit harmonic current emission limit (equipment input current per phase ≤ 16A)" 2 version 3.0 standard, was released in February 2009.
JGJ/T163-2008 "Design Specification for Urban Night Lighting" was implemented on May 1, 2009:
The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China issued Announcement No. 141 on November 4, 2008: The industry standard JGJ/T163-2008 "Design Specification for Urban Night Lighting" was implemented on May 1, 2009.
120V DC Power Supply
APM 120V smps power supply is widely used in automatic testing sector. The average conversion efficiency is 90%, the load regulation is low, which ensure stable output when the load is changing constantly. The programmable power supply supports standard SCPI communication protocol, which is convenient for user`s secondary development.
Some features of the adjustable power supply as below:
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Master/Slave parallel and series operation mode for up to 10 units
Built-in standard automobile electrical testing curves
Full protection: OVP/OCP/OPP/OTP/SCP
Voltage drop compensation by remote sense line.
Have obtained CE,UL,CSA,FCC.ROHS
120V DC Power Supply,Lab DC Power Supply,DC Regulated Power Supply,High Voltage Power Supply
APM Technologies Ltd ,