The 2017 OTT video service research report released jointly by Level 3 Communications, Unisphere Research and streaming media network in the United States pointed out that within five years, the viewing duration of OTT streaming media broadcast will exceed that of traditional broadcast television. This series of reports has carried out a three-year follow-up study on the OTT development trend. This year's report has investigated nearly 500 media industry employees.
The main conclusions of the study include:
The OTT industry is booming. More than a quarter of respondents believe that OTT industry revenue will increase by 25% from 2016 to 2017, and nearly half of the respondents expect an increase of between 30% and 50%.
Nearly two-thirds of respondents said that over the next three years, OTT-related services will account for more than a quarter of their overall business.
Unlike previous years, the 2017 survey found that the challenges related to bandwidth limitations are gradually being replaced by concerns about service quality and quality of experience.
Nearly 70% of respondents provide OTT services globally or in multiple locations. About half of respondents use multiple CDNs, compared to 40% in 2016.
In the 2016 OTT video report, VR video received great attention, and this year's respondents focused on high frame rate (HFR) and high dynamic range (HDR). Nearly half of the respondents are providing or intending to provide related services. Another 20% is only concerned with HFR, such as 1080p60. This specification is often used to improve the fluency of sports content.
The maturity of OTT suppliers will affect the type of video content provided. Suppliers with lower maturity are more inclined to provide live broadcasts and on-demand content, while more mature suppliers are more inclined to provide linear live OTT content.
The report author Tim Siglin stated: "This year's OTT video service report shows a significant increase in the OTT market. The maturation of OTT video transmission reflects the key changes in the industry. First, there is less bandwidth limitation. Second, in the move from on-demand services to more In the transition to the traditional television model, live broadcasts and linear live OTT distribution play an important role."
Level 3 Chief Marketing Officer Anthony Christie said: “The audience wants to have flexible content consumption on multiple screens. To comply with this trend, content providers need multiple CDN solutions. They need a scalable, high-performance network solution. The plan is to provide a continuous and stable viewing experience on any device, anytime, anywhere, in response to the growth in the number of users and regions."
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