Students invented Grimace LED lights to win the Philips Grand Prize

Speaking of the function of the lamp, many people think of lighting. There is a new kind of lamp that bears multiple functions such as humanity, environmental protection and entertainment. This is the impression LED light of a work of East China Normal University. This light type easily won the first prize of the school's Da Xia Cup academic technology competition, and also won the first prize of the Philips Lighting Competition.

The designer of the changing face lamp is Yao Hao, a 05-level student of the Department of Design and Art Design. It consists of a yellow, smiling-faced balloon and a flying saucer-shaped base that replaces the bulb and lampshade. Balloons and sphygmomanometer rubber balls are here combined with plexiglass by a sealing rubber ring. When the balloon is connected with the plexiglass, fixed on the top of the base, and inflated by the sphygmomanometer rubber ball, you can adjust the balloon school to choose the balloon as the material. Yao Wei said that the general bulb will be very hot after using it for a while. . If you change into a balloon, then the child can touch it and change the balloon into any shape. LED lights are cold light sources and are safe and safe. The user can arbitrarily pinch the filled balloon, and the big smile on the face will become a cute face. Yao Wei hopes that people who use this lamp will not be able to communicate emotionally with it, let it add interest to life.

Yao Wei introduced that when he designed this change impression LED light, the design concept highlighted the elements of economy, environmental protection and humanity. The LED lamp used in technology has high power, long life and low power consumption. When the brightness of the traditional light bulb is the same, the power consumption is only 6% of the traditional light bulb, which is very energy-saving. When the balloon is not pumped, the space occupied by the entire lamp body is almost equal to the size of the lamp holder, which is very suitable for carrying around when traveling.


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