Why do you use the money to buy telemarketing robots to advertise? Hey, you don't know it! The implicit meaning here is: if you cooperate with us, we will send telemarketing robots and use you to buy telemarketing robots Money for advertising. At present, the most popular is the e-marketing robot, which has swept the e-marketing industry in just a few months. It is mainly used to help employees make phone calls, screen customers, thereby reducing the burden on employees, and quickly search for intended customers. What are the specific advantages of telemarketing robots?
Artificial intelligence needs technical support, and telemarketing robots have five major technical advantages.
1) TTS, intelligent interactive sales virtual assistant voice recognition localization, 20 times faster than cloud voice recognition;
2) Voice recognition, industry voice recognition (asr) accuracy rate is as high as 87% (according to the industry segmentation first), customer long and short sentences can be recognized in real time, the average response time is 800 milliseconds
3) Interactive analysis, by providing multi-dimensional management reports and visual management of key operating indicators, helping managers at all levels understand service operations and obtain comprehensive operational management decision support
4) Monitoring and management, by providing multi-dimensional management reports and visual management of key operating indicators, helping managers at all levels understand service operations and obtain comprehensive operational management decision support
5) Data mining, by translating the recorded text and displaying digital features, using associated semantic indexes, constructing business topics and categorizing modeling, which can drill down and mine business topics in depth
1) Accurate recognition rate is strong: Silicon-based intelligence independently researches and develops a speech recognition engine, and the dialogue accuracy rate is the highest in the country. 2) Flexible response: From analyzing customer sentences to automatic response speed, normal human communication can be achieved.
2) Exclusive customized speech skills: The product adopts a modular software architecture, which can quickly build customized modules that adapt to the needs of different business scenarios, and there will be no confusion in speech skills. Customize your own smart staff group.
3) Timely interruption and transfer of seats support: Intelligent telemarketing robots can realize timely interruption and transfer of manual services, making marketing more accurate and faster.
4) Convenient operation: The open form of the operation platform unique to the entire industry, based on TTS technology, can independently modify the speech and recording, monitor the progress of the speech in real time, and can perform unlimited modification operations to further enhance the customer experience.
Smart telemarketing robots use their own advantages and characteristics to help companies improve efficiency and reduce operating costs. It has brought a qualitative leap to the e-marketing industry, but we still don’t know how e-marketing robots will develop in the future, let us wait and see!
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