1.2W non-isolated dual output step-down power adapter based on LNK304DN design, with circuit diagram, PCB layout, component list

Probe current voltage pin 420*4450 head diameter 5.0 over current current and voltage pin
15PF 150W 5V breakdown voltage 5.6V DFN1006 two-way
Single chip microcomputer STM32L151CCU6
1206RGB (single)


This engineering report describes a 1.2 W non-isolated dual output step-down power adapter based on a converter designed to provide two output voltages, LNK304DN. This reference design contains a complete power specification for designing a power adapter, detailed circuit diagrams, bill of materials, and PCB layout.

1.2W non-isolated dual output step-down power adapter PCB physical map

1.2W non-isolated dual output step-down power adapter circuit diagram

1.2W non-isolated dual output step-down power adapter PCB layout

1.2W non-isolated dual output step-down power adapter component list

See the PDF document for details (click on the PDF file to download)

Herbal Stick

Shenzhen Esun Herb Co.,Ltd. , https://www.szyoutai-tech.com