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刘å‡å¹³ ( ä¸å›½ç…§æ˜Žç”µå™¨å会副ç†äº‹é•¿å…¼ç§˜ä¹¦é•¿,高级ç»æµŽå¸ˆ )
1994 年在ä¸å›½ç…§æ˜Žç”µå™¨å会工作,任副秘书长。 1998 å¹´ 9 月至 2000 å¹´ 8 月在ä¸å›½ç§‘å¦é™¢ç ”究生院商业ç»æµŽå¸ˆç ”究生çå¦ä¹ , 1999 å¹´ä»»ä¸å›½ç…§æ˜Žç”µå™¨å会副ç†äº‹é•¿å…¼ç§˜ä¹¦é•¿ã€‚ å‚与组织我国照明电器行业“ä¹äº”â€å’Œâ€œå五â€å‘展规范的编制和专家审定工作;å‚åŠ è½»å·¥ä¸šéƒ¨å†›å·¥å¤„ç»„ç»‡çš„å†›ç”¨å…‰æºé¡¹ç›®å®¡å®šï¼›å¤šæ¬¡å‚与有关部门组织的技改项目审定ã€ä¸“用设备åŠä¸“项产å“的鉴定活动;å‚与有关ä¼ä¸šçš„专家咨询活动;组织全国电光æºäº§å“è´¨é‡åˆ†æžä¼š,主æŒå¬å¼€ç¬¬ 11 届 -17 届全国照明电器æ料订货会ç‰ã€‚撰写 1994 å¹´ -2000 年《ä¸å›½è½»å·¥å¹´é‰´ã€‹ç…§æ˜Žç”µå™¨è¡Œä¸šç¯‡ï¼›å®¡å®šã€Šå›½é˜²å·¥ä¸šå¤§è¾žå…¸ã€‹ç…§æ˜Žç”µå™¨äº§å“篇目。
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甘åå…‰ (ä¸å›½ç…§æ˜Žå¦ä¼šå‰ç†äº‹é•¿)
2001 å¹´ 6 月,甘å光教授当选为ä¸å›½ç§‘å第å…届委员会委员,被授予“ä¸å›½ç§‘å先进工作者â€å…‰è£ç§°å·ã€‚
点评 ä¸å›½ç…§æ˜Žå¦ä¼šé¢†å†›äºº
王锦燧 ( ä¸å›½ç…§æ˜Žå会ç†äº‹é•¿ )
1990 年至今,在轻工业部ã€ä¸å›½è½»å·¥æ€»ä¼šã€å›½å®¶è½»å·¥ä¸šå±€å·¥ä½œ,å…ˆåŽä»»å›½é™…åˆä½œå¸ã€æ•™è‚²å¸å‰¯å¸é•¿ï¼›äººäº‹æ•™è‚²éƒ¨å‰¯ä¸»ä»»ï¼›ä¸å›½ç…§æ˜Žå¦ä¼šç†äº‹é•¿,积æžæŽ¨åŠ¨ä¸å›½ç…§æ˜Žè¡Œä¸šåœ¨æŠ€æœ¯é¢†åŸŸçš„å‘展。
点评 照明技术å‘展推动者
ç« æµ·éª¢ (教授级高工ã€ä¸Šæµ·ç…§æ˜Žå¦ä¼šç†äº‹é•¿)
从 1991 年起享å—国务院津贴。 1965 å¹´ 7 月至 2002 å¹´ 11 月在上海市照明ç¯å…·ç ”究所工作, 2002 å¹´ 12 月退休,现任ä¸å›½ç…§æ˜Žå¦ä¼šå‰¯ç†äº‹é•¿ã€ä¸Šæµ·ç…§æ˜Žå¦ä¼šç†äº‹é•¿ã€‚
点评 å…‰æºç”µå™¨é¢†åŸŸæ°å‡ºä»£è¡¨
何鸣皋 (上海照明å¦ä¼šç†äº‹é•¿)
主è¦ç ”究方å‘为:光è¾å°„测é‡ã€ç…§æ˜Žå·¥ç¨‹è®¾è®¡ã€‚何鸣皋教授曾在美国 NBA å›½å®¶æ ‡å‡†å±€ä»Žäº‹å…‰è¾å°„计é‡å·¥ä½œ,主æŒè¿‡ä½“育场馆ã€éš§é“照明ã€æ³›å…‰ç…§æ˜Žç‰å›½å†…多项大型照明设计工程。由他主æŒè®¾è®¡å»ºé€ çš„å¤åˆå¼å…¨è‡ªåŠ¨åˆ†å¸ƒå…‰åº¦è®¡èŽ·å›½å®¶ç§‘技进æ¥äºŒç‰å¥–。
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å¼ äº¦é“ (江è‹ç…§æ˜Žç”µå™¨å会ç†äº‹é•¿)
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All In One PC
All in one pc is a new trend for desktop type computer nowadays. What you can see at this store is Custom All In One PC. There are 19 inch all in one pc, 21.5 All In One PC, All In One PC 23.8 Inch and 27 inch all in one pc, which are the main sizes at the market. How to choose the most suitable one for special application? According to clients` feedback, 19.1 inch entry level, 21.5 inch middle and low level, 23.8 or 27 inch higher level-All In One PC I7. Some clients may worry the heat-releasing since equipped releasing fan into the back of monitor, see no releasing fences on back cover. However, totally no need worry that point, cause special back cover material and releasing holes can meet the demand of heat releasing.
You can see All In One Business Computer, All In One Gaming PC, and All In One Desktop Touch Screen series at this shop.
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All In One PC,All In One Pc I7,Custom All In One Pc,All In One Pc 23.8 Inch,21.5 All In One Pc
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