Have you ever thought of turning your home bathtub into a luxury spa? Hey, come and find a cool summer trendy thing with Buy.
After finishing one day's physical and mental exhaustion, facing the hot weather, do you really want to throw yourself into the water, drink a glass of iced drinks, and enjoy a cool summer without any taste? On the way home, iced drinks have been bought. Well, now it's time to get a jacuzzi! But if your budget does not allow it ~~~
Today, BUY recommends a bath tub for you to enjoy in the comfort and relaxation of a double jet bath spa. Just listen to chicken, I'm going to experience it ~~~
The Dual Jet Bath Spa is easy to install, with its own suction cup fixed to the bath, and a pair of adjustable nozzles immediately takes you into a soothing, relaxing atmosphere in your own home spa.
It meets all the standard bathtub installations, and with the free adjustment of the bath water level, you only need to give him an AC outlet.
Let your bathroom rise to a style, which is really a good choice!
Product parameters
Size: 39.1×32.5×14.2(cm)
Weight: 1.6kg
BUY Index : ★★★
Purchase route : Meiya
Reference price : US$38.73 (approximately RMB257.67)
You know that you are a prodigal child! Come and talk with us and you can buy, buy and buy! Let these digital gadgets meet the small truth in your life.
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An electrical appliance used to protect electrical equipment from high transient overvoltage hazards and to limit the duration of continuous flow.This term includes any external clearance necessary for the normal functioning of the appliance during operation and installation, whether or not it is a unit as a whole.
Surge protector, also known as lightning arrester, is an electronic device that provides safety protection for all kinds of electronic equipment, instruments and communication lines.When the electric circuit or communication lines or for outside disturbance suddenly produce peak current in voltage, surge protector in a very short time conduction tap, to avoid surge damage to other devices in the circuits.[1]
Surge protector, suitable for ac 50/60 hz, rated voltage 220 v to 380 v power supply system, the indirect lightning and thunder and lightning directly affect transient over voltage surge protection, or other applicable to the family home, the third industry and the surge protection industry requirements.
Surge Protector,Surge Voltage Protector,Eco-Friendly Surge Protector,Lightning Protection Surge Protector
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