What will the husband read about? To distinguish the great righteousness from others, to govern one's own body, to observe its slight remarks, and to use God's good and righteousness to enter God. - Wang Fuzhi
The opening chapter does not come to art, how can you prove that you are a scholar? Gossip to say less, return to the book.
Very real and very childish reason to buyI remember that I still liked reading books, but then I was tempted by electronic products. I spent all my time on mobile phones, computers, and televisions. There was less and less time for reading. I wanted to regain my interest in reading books, but I found that I was old. . All kinds of readers were downloaded on mobile phones, but they couldn't read immersively. For an hour or two, the eyes were just like the ones. Therefore, the idea of ​​buying an electronic paper book came to an end.
One day, I mentioned this with my wife and I was coldly responded: It's impossible to give you money alone. Save yourself money from scratch. There is a feeling of falling into the valley at the moment. Do not do it. It's okay to bite the teeth and save some pocket money from the meal, except that the PW3 of the kindle is not to be thought of, and the JD's reader is a bit too much to eat. It can only be used as a low-end machine for dangdang, palm reading and aragonite. . Aunt Zhang’s post turned a lot and he decided to buy it. Thanks to the following few originals, I chose Dangdang to indicate the direction. Just a few days before Jingdong had a coupon of 199-100 for audio-visual education, Dangdang Reader was impressively listed, biting his teeth, placing an order, and the machine 499+sets 39, actually paying 439 oceans, which was fairly cost-effective.
Hall sensor sleeve is the first appearance, it should be considered the first sun in this station, the reader is a decoration, ha ha, Xiao Bian refuse to argue ~
外观 啰嗦 啰嗦 外观 appearance displayThe values ​​above the photos in the open box have been sunned, and I will not print it directly.
White box
Obvious side 8G words, the actual use of feeling can not be used up.
Back of information
Simple internal, manual, warranty card and a data cable...
Data line to a close-up
The focus of this issue: Hall cover, Dangdang finally also supports the magnetic switch screen, and click!
Inside, it looks similar, the plastic part is frosted and transparent.
Dermia texture, it looks okay, feels normal.
Four corners of the reader protection is still good, a little higher than the fuselage, but unfortunately plastic
Daisy close-up
Rear of the fuselage
Shutdown screen
Standby screen, look carefully or a little residual image, bad review
After the bills are finished, use it. Dangdang reader's resolution is still relatively low, after all, the price is there. After a week, it feels good. Compared with previous user reviews, the development of Dangdang is fairly conscientious, and many of the details in use have been optimized to make the reader more and more useful.
Boot screen, never changed
After booting into the home page interface, all said imitation Kindle, I have not used it, anyway, I feel fairly straightforward. There are flip buttons on both sides, the back is the back button, there are favorite, there are Tucao, I can accept it, I feel in the actual use of the line, more convenient. The home page shows 6 books. You can use the page-turn button to turn pages. The book shows books with local characters that you copied to the reader. Dangdang's format support for epub and mobi has been very good, but it's not very good to see former netizens spam. When Dangdang Randolph presented 52 books, it was fairly conscience and sent a silver bell worth 50 yuan, which could be purchased directly from the bookstore.
Random books
Although the Dangdang reader can't flash, but the system is relatively open, you can use a variety of methods to pass books: Dangdang Mall directly purchases (if you don't use the 5000 Silver Bell), WiFi Passbook (is used in the LAN after connecting to WiFi) Computer to the reader in the book, ftp protocol); usb passbook (the most stable and most direct way of transmission), Wechat push (concerned about Kindle 10000 WeChat on it, 10 books per day, but also more convenient, but the success rate is not Complimented, far worse than kindle)
Bookstore interface, with the mobile version is still a bit of a gap, flip keys
The bells that were sent were used by me. It seems like there is a time limit.
Settings interface, WiFi, transmission and other settings are on this page
Settings interface, more intuitive, some of the features are also more practical
When Wechat Pushes...
Sometimes it will not come out
When actually reading, the backlight is still very practical. Level 30 backlight adjustment, reading at night is still useful, this is why I did not choose Kindle version. The brightness condition is not made, there is a contrast on the Internet. What I have to say is that Dangdang's flipping experience is really good.
Then talk about the display effect, 162dpi, huh, huh, it is the case, compared with the physical book, the display results compared dregs.
In the reading process, you can click on the upper menu of the screen to bring up the brightness and font settings
Flicker colleague mm today brought her idled ashdle WP3 at home and helped her to drum a bit. The experience was different. There was a feeling of wanting to dump the Dangdang reader in minutes, the screen was not positioned correctly, and the font was not as clear as the Kindle. , And so on, but since they have chosen, they must approve it. Here is a photo of a white collar and silkworm.
Text display is also done
In general, on the basis of recognition of this price point, the objective evaluation of the Dangdang reader is still good. At least after upgrading the system to 4.01, the related experience can still be said to be the past: magnetic switch screen, WeChat push book, relatively open The system supports a lot of formats, pre-light, large capacity and support TF card, about 3 days of use standby time ... as a niche product of domestic readers, Dangdang still more effort. Forum users feedback problems can still be resolved or improved within the allowable range, but do not compare with good, after all, a penny and a goods. If the cost budget is adequate, you can directly go to the 300dpi version of the Dangdang Reader for KWP3 or 799. Anyway, the above valued friends have also recommended it. Well, let's talk about it first, waste the morning's time, get caught by the leader and get a raccoon, you value friends, see you here, thank you for watching!
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