Money-saving decoration novice decoration necessary nine coups

Abstract: After a lifetime of hard work, I bought a house. The house was bought but the decoration was another matter. "Do not spend too much money, but the effect is better." This is what every owner wants, but how to save money? 1. Display cabinets are not used for siding. Wooden boards can save money and can use brains. cabinet

Portable Ultrasonic Flowmeter

Portable Ultrasonic Flowmeter uses the principle of low voltage, multi-pulse time difference, the use of high-precision and ultra-stable double balance signal differential transmission, differential reception digital detection technology, when the ultrasonic beam propagates in the liquid, the flow of the liquid will make a small change in the propagation time, the change in the propagation time is proportional to the flow rate of the liquid.

At zero flow, the time required for the two sensors to transmit and receive sound waves is exactly the same (the only technology that can actually measure zero flow), and when the liquid flows, the transmission time of sound waves in the countercurrent direction is greater than that in the forward direction.

Portable Ultrasonic Flow Meter,Digital Ultrasonic Flowmeter,Hand Held Ultrasonic Flowmeter,Small Volume Portable Ultrasonic Flowmeter

Kaifeng Chuangxin Measurement & Control Instrument Co., Ltd. ,