The difference between domestic and imported sensors

The quantitative signal output by the ionization chamber is a weak signal in the nanoampere range, and the output impedance is extremely high. Therefore, the amplifier matched with it must not only have a large amplification factor, but also a high input impedance and low noise to meet The need for signal amplification. Most of the domestic sensors use low-cost parametric oscillation amplifiers or vibration capacitor amplifiers, which have a narrow dynamic range, high electronic noise, and poor anti-interference ability, resulting in low quality of the domestic quantitative instrument and narrow measurement range. For different paper types, different sensors must be ordered; and imported sensors use more advanced technology and feedback technology. Their amplifiers have high input impedance, low noise and controllable gain characteristics. The dynamic range is wide and universal. Very strong.

The radiation sources of domestic quantitative sensors mostly use the softer B-ray source Pm147. Although this source is relatively mature and easy to buy, its short half-life (2.6 years) makes it difficult for the sensor to be used for a long time. The measurement accuracy is guaranteed within. The imported sensors use high-concentration Zheng Xiaoxia and others to discuss the installation and use of the detection instruments in the papermaking process. The maintenance gas radioactive source has a long half-life (10.3 years), which can maintain accuracy for a longer period of time, and in case of source damage By the way, the gas quickly escapes into the atmosphere without worrying about environmental pollution. It is generally applicable to the daily maintenance work of the user. After these maintenance work are completed, the performance of the instrument can be better played, the use efficiency can be further improved, and the life can be extended.

2.54mm Ribbon Connector

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