Jonas Berge, Application Director of Process Control Technology at Emerson, explained in this article that the application of WirelessHART technology to upgrade the plant can help reduce the risk of accidents and minimize the risk of operations.
Employees are the factory's most important asset. So the factory has been trying to reduce the staff's working hours in the danger zone. Automating jobs can greatly reduce fieldwork time. There are many hidden dangers in the factory, and there are many preventive measures that can help reduce the hidden dangers. One of the important measures is to try not to allow workers to work in hazardous locations or to shorten the operating time in hazardous locations as much as possible. This can be achieved by reducing manual operations, such as manual inspections to collect in situ meters, observation holes, or rotameters.
When measuring the level of the tank with a stick, the operator needs to climb to the top of the tank and open the metering port of the tank so that it may be exposed to steam. Therefore, this type of work should also be minimized.
The longer a worker is working on site for timely data acquisition, the more dangerous it is. The update of measurement data depends on the frequency of on-site inspections. For example, a shift inspection once, one day, one week, or even one month or more, will not be updated frequently.
Inaccurate manual reading accuracy is also a problem. The typical accuracy of the local-indicated pressure gauge is only 1%, and the effect of temperature change is to reduce the accuracy by 0.4% per 10°C. After the local indicator instrument is used for a long time, the mechanical part of the watch will be worn out and the reliability cannot be guaranteed. After the instrument is corroded, the pointer may stick, no longer change with the process, and the indication data error occurs, causing the operator to read the wrong data for a long time without being aware of it. Reading artifacts, writing errors, blurred writing, and data entry errors can cause errors.
One of the solutions to these problems is to use wireless pressure, temperature, level, and flow transmitters instead of local meters to measure, and to transmit measurement data wirelessly to control rooms and asset management systems. The collected data can be transmitted on a per-second, per-minute, per-hour, or per-application basis. This will reduce technicians' on-site operating time and reduce risk. We know that not all measurement points require a 1 second refresh rate. Therefore, some measurement points that have never been measured before or recorded only once a day or more are not necessarily updated every second. The refresh rate is usually set to 1 minute, which is more than 1000 times faster than daily inspections and 5 orders of magnitude higher than the monthly inspection frequency.
The basic accuracy of the wireless pressure transmitter is 0.065%, and the temperature effect is 0.14% less accuracy per 28°C. Automatic data collection eliminates manual readings, records, and entry errors. The operator obtains measurement data directly from the control system. The device has built-in diagnostics to detect sensor health and malfunctions.
The upgrade of factory automation can be started from the tank level monitoring that currently uses manual inspection records. The level can be measured with a Wireless Differential Pressure Transmitter, a Wireless Point Level Switch or a conventional radar level transmitter with a WirelessHART adapter. The level data will be periodically transmitted to the system at the configured frequency.
Although a wireless meter can be read on a mechanical meter, the pointer data can be read without manual reading, but mechanical problems such as inaccuracies, temperature effects, poor reliability, and lack of diagnostics still exist. In addition, maintenance checkers need to be maintained to ensure correct readings.
The portable tester routinely maintains, depending on the maintenance personnel, periodic inspections of the health of equipment such as pumps and motors. Including the use of portable vibration detector, infrared temperature gun, steam trap ultrasonic detector for on-site detection. As with manually reading metering data, portable metering measurements are also limited. And it is also a problem that the pump is not running or has not reached a certain load when it is not continuously monitored or checked. If you check once a month, the problem may not be discovered until the next month of inspection.
Wireless vibration transmitters can replace portable testers. The one-hour refresh rate is more than 700 times higher than the monthly inspection. Wireless monitoring can help reduce on-site inspections and can also monitor vibration changes through trends.
The wireless sonic transmitter can detect the health status of the steam trap and prevent the operator from going to the site for inspection. The one-minute refresh rate is millions of times higher than the annual inspection. The sonic transmitter can also be used to detect the state of the pressure relief valve.
Sampling Another manual job is product or waste sampling for laboratory analysis. Manual sampling also requires on-site operations to process liquid samples.
Radio guides and PH transmitters can replace these manual tasks. Other common analyzers can be configured with WirelessHART wireless adapters for wireless transmission.
Incorrect position of valve manual valve switch can cause leakage or even fire. Operators are often sent to the site to check the actual position of the valve. Checking the manual valve position requires a lot of work.
WirelessHART valve position monitoring instrument can detect the status of linear valve and rotary valve, and transmit the position status of the valve to the central control room. For long stroke valves, traditional proximity switches and wireless switch transmitters can be used for valve position monitoring. These feedback signals can be used as input conditions and interlock conditions for sequential control logic.
Meeting the needs of users on-site automation can be achieved through many wireless technologies. WirelessHART meets basic requirements, such as the optional refresh rate, which can be set to one second at a maximum. Security measures include encryption, authentication, verification, key rotation and sequence number. It also includes compatibility with other wireless networks and spread spectrum, channel hopping and Channel blacklist function. Battery life can be as long as 10 years, and these basic requirements are met with third-party interoperability testing.
In addition, WirelessHART uses a multi-hop, multi-path, full-mesh topology for superior availability and reliability, and can configure single or redundant gateways, eliminating the need for installation and distribution of a large number of backbone routes.
The WirelessHART network has unique security features, including that the security features are always on, using the HART Communicator to configure the security configuration keys through the ports on the device. WirelessHART provides device interoperability and interchangeability as a standard protocol, and Electronic Device Description Language (EDDL) facilitates the integration of field devices and control systems. WirelessHART is the only wireless protocol that can use the HART Communicator to debug the transmitter.
With the development of wireless networks using WirelessHART technology, operators do not need to be present at the scene, and personnel safety and output are improved. Real-time data allows you to know more about the current state of the process, the state of the equipment, and to determine trends. WirelessHART adopts a multi-hop, multi-path full mesh topology and is the best solution for plant upgrades.
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