Want to eat delicious meals at home, but can not cook or have time to cook how to do? Xiaobian think that a smart cooking robot can help you solve the problem. The following Xiao Bian will introduce to you how the smart cooking robot works, what are its advantages.
The intelligent cooking robot is a professional cooking program simulation technology, which requires no artificial care. All the quasi-consumption ingredients, ingredients, and condiments are all put into one operation. After the program is set up, automatic hot oil, automatic frying and automatic control of the heat are performed. An intelligent device that automatically cooks without experience.
The fume control system is composed of KSD switch and digital control circuit. The system keeps the pan temperature below the cracking temperature of the oil, and no fumes will be produced in the pan. It can be directly seen during the cooking process.
Fast: 3 minutes to get a dish
The robot is invulnerable. Although it looks squarely and square, it is quite smart. Here, it is a chef. Humans are the "little laborers" who fight for it. After using the remote control to select dishes to fry in hundreds of recipes, the operator can operate according to the voice prompts of the robot. In three minutes, a fragrant dish is baked, and the cooking process and the feeling of cooking are It's like the process of making popcorn for hours. Three minutes a dish, and can make 10 copies, so that people are very envious: "We would like to fry 10 dishes, hands are soft."
Cheap: Half the cost of asking the chef
Although a robot costs more than 100,000 to several hundred thousand depending on the model, it is much more affordable than a cook. The robot is tireless and does not need to rest. Moreover, there is no need for a robot to have a cook. Ordinary service staff. Training can be performed in one week and there are no problems in proficiently operating two robots. The average salary of an ordinary worker is 2,000 yuan, and a chef is required. The average salary is about 4,000 yuan, so the use of robots greatly saves costs.
The cost has dropped, making the price of the product low. For example, the price of a two-pitch course for two vegetarian dishes is only 12 yuan. This price is undoubtedly very competitive compared to other Chinese and Western fast food.
Save, clean: Kitchen area is reduced
With capable robots, the ingredients are all arranged by the central kitchen, eliminating the need for cuts in the kitchen, the number of stoves can be reduced, and the kitchen area can be reduced by half. This is particularly welcomed by fast-food Chinese-style restaurant chains, which pursue the “small but complete†sparrow, so the more space-saving it is, the more popular it is. In addition, the robot is clean and clean. It will be cleaned automatically and will not be splashed outside. Even if a few hundred dishes are made, the surrounding ground will be clean, and if it is changed for adults, it will be another scene.
For everyone, diet is the most basic need. There is an intelligent robot for cooking. People who can't cook can also eat delicious food. After a busy day at work, I got home without cooking for a few minutes. With such convenient and quick products, I believe many people would like to purchase one.
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