The pinout of the LA4102 is shown in Figure 1. It is a 14-pin dual in-line plastic package with a heat sink with pins that are numbered counterclockwise from the top of the heat sink.
Indoor Rental LED Display is hot selling product in the led screen market. We usually use Nova MSD300 sending card and MRV328 receving card, other controll system also can be accepted, like Linsin,colorlight and so on.....About the led lamp, we use kinglight led lamp, IC is ICN2038S, refresh rate is 1920hz. We also provide other option if the client need higher quality, like Nationstar led lamp and refresh rate can make 3840hz. This 500x500mm LED display panel can also can make curved led display, ±15° flexible curved option.
* Business Organizations:
Supermarket, large-scale shopping malls, star-rated hotels, travel agencies
* Financial Organizations:
Banks, insurance companies, post offices, hospital, schools
* Public Places:
Subway, airports, stations, parks, exhibition halls, stadiums, museums, commercial buildings, meeting rooms
* Entertainments:
Movie theaters, clubs, stages.
Indoor Rental LED Display,Advertising Led Display,Indoor Led Display,Rental Led Display
Guangzhou Chengwen Photoelectric Technology co.,ltd ,