Looking at the future trend of FPGA from the development of programmable devices

2.1.4 Looking at the future trend of FPGA from the development of programmable devices

The history of programmable logic devices The development of programmable logic devices can be divided into four phases, from the early 1970s to the mid-1970s, the first phase, and the mid-1970s to the 1980s, the second phase. It was the third stage from the 1980s to the end of the 1990s, and the fourth stage from the end of the 1990s to the present.

The first stage of the programmable device is only three kinds of simple programmable read-only memory (PROM), ultraviolet erasable read-only memory (EPROM) and electrically erasable read-only memory (EEPROM). Due to structural limitations, they can only Complete simple digital logic functions.

In the second phase, there are structurally slightly complex programmable array logic (PAL) and general array logic (GAL) devices, which are officially called PLDs and can perform various logic operations. A typical PLD consists of an AND and a non-array array, and an AND or OR expression is used to implement any combinational logic, so the PLD can perform a large number of logical combinations in product and form.

Phase 3 Xilinx and Altera have introduced an FPGA similar to a standard gate array and an extended CPLD similar to a PAL structure, which improves the speed of logic operations, has flexible architecture, logic unit, high integration and wide application range. It is compatible with the advantages of PLD and general-purpose gate arrays. It can realize ultra-large-scale circuits and flexible programming methods. It is the first choice for product prototype design and small and medium-sized (generally less than 10,000) products. At this stage, CPLD and FPGA devices have made great progress in manufacturing process and product performance, reaching a scale of 0.18 process and multi-million gates.

The fourth phase of SOPC and SOC technology, the result of the integration of PLD and ASIC technology, covers the real-time digital signal processing technology, high-speed data transceiver, complex computing and embedded system design technology. Xilinx and Altera also introduced the corresponding SOCFPGA products with a manufacturing process of 65nm and a system gate count of more than one million gates. Moreover, this stage of the logic device embedded with hard core high-speed multiplier, Gbits differential serial interface, PowerPC? microprocessor with clock frequency up to 500MHz, soft core MicroBlaze, Picoblaze, Nios and Nios II, not only realize the software requirements and The perfect combination of hardware design also achieves the perfect combination of high speed and flexibility, which has surpassed the performance and scale of ASIC devices, and surpassed the concept of FPGA in the traditional sense, making the application range of PLD extended from monolithic to system. level. In the future, Xilinx executives revealed that the company is developing a new FPGA with a new process, which will integrate larger memory cells and other functional devices, and FPGAs are moving toward super system chips! On February 5th, Xilinx released the Spartan-6 and Virtex-6 FPGA series using 40nm and 45nm, and opened the new design concept of the target design platform. It is believed that the application of FPGA will be further developed!

FPGA development full Raiders serial eight: from the development of programmable devices to see the future trend of FPGA

Miner Accessories

Immersion Cooling is a technique used to cool components of IT equipment that consists of submerging the computer components in a thermally conductive and dielectric liquid. Through this practice, the servers are cooled and heat is transferred from the source to the liquid.

When we talk about Immersion Cooling, we also need to discuss the different types of Immersion Cooling, as well as the applications of Immersion cooling. The practice of Immersion Cooling has a multitude of benefits particularly as it allows datacenters to be managed in a greener and more sustainable manner. Environmental concerns has been a huge catalyst for the adoption of the technology in recent years.

With Immersion Cooling the heat is transferred directly from the heat source to the working fluid. In [watercooling" the working fluid is potentially harmful to electronics and thus flows through a sealed loop isolated from the heat source. A watertight waterblock is used to indirectly transfer the heat from the heat source to the working fluid. With Immersion Cooling the working fluid must be non-conductive and that generally limits us to four families of fluids:

deionized water
mineral oil
fluorocarbon-based fluids
Immersion Cooling systems used to have a higher fluid cost than water cooling, but this is already changing.

A wide variety of liquids exist for this purpose, the most suitable being transformer oils and other electrical cooling oils. Non-purpose oils, including cooking, motor and silicone oils, have been successfully used for cooling personal computers

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