Accelerate the development of solar photovoltaic energy standards to keep pace with international pace

Rich solar radiation can become the most promising energy source in the 21st century by virtue of its inexhaustible use, pollution-free, cheap, and free use of human beings. Since 2004, the global photovoltaic industry has shown an unprecedented leap-forward development trend. The entire photovoltaic industry has seen a shortage of supply from silicon wafers of source products to solar cell chips to terminal product components.
According to the data, the average growth rate of solar cell production in the world in the last 10 years is 40%. The average growth rate in the last five years is 45.4%. The average growth rate in the last three years is over 50%. The photovoltaic industry has become the fastest growing high-tech industry in the world. one. Therefore, the corresponding standards for regulating the entire industry are also receiving much attention.
China attaches great importance to photovoltaic standards. The countries around the world are paying more and more attention to renewable energy. The incentive policies formulated by Germany and Japan have greatly promoted the development of the photovoltaic market. The development of the photovoltaic market has made the demand for photovoltaic standards more and more intense. With the rapid development of China's accession to the WTO photovoltaic industry, especially the vast majority of China's PV products are currently exported. The international requirements for product certification are increasing. The higher the value, the more important the photovoltaic standards in China's photovoltaic technology development, photovoltaic engineering, photovoltaic business activities.
Cao Renxian, general manager of Hefei Sunshine Power Co., Ltd. said in an interview with China Electronics News that the market of China's photovoltaic industry is mainly abroad, but China has a vast territory and abundant solar energy resources. The application of solar energy in China is promising. It is extremely urgent to formulate, promote and implement China's own photovoltaic standards.
Photovoltaic standards have received widespread attention. Professor Liu Zuming from the Solar Energy Institute of Yunnan Normal University told the reporter that China attaches great importance to photovoltaic standardization. As early as March 5, 1984, China established the National Solar Photovoltaic Energy System Standardization Working Group in Beijing. The working group consisted of nine members. In June 1987, the National Solar Photovoltaic Energy System Standardization Technical Committee (referred to as the “Standard Committee”) was established in Tianjin. The Standardization Committee is responsible for the standardization of the national solar photovoltaic energy system, and has a secretariat. The members of the Standards Committee contain major domestic research and production units, which basically reflect the highest level of China's PV industry.
Liu Zuming said that at present, China has officially issued 29 national standards for photovoltaics and 10 industry standards. Among them, 2 basic general standards, 20 solar cell and component standards, have been completed and ready to be issued: "Photovoltaic devices part 10: linearity measurement method", "General specification for crystalline silicon solar cells for the ground", "Photovoltaic module safety appraisal Part 2: Test method"; Photovoltaic BOS (photovoltaic system balancing component) component class standard 1, has been formulated and completed waiting for the standard is "Technical requirements and test methods for grid-connected photovoltaic power generation special inverter" There are 6 standards for photovoltaic systems, and the standards that have been formulated and awaited are “Independent Photovoltaic System Technical Specifications”, “Independent Photovoltaic System Characteristics”, “Independent Photovoltaic System – Design Verification”, and “Grid-connected Photovoltaic Power Generation System”. Safety Specifications, "Photovoltaic System Grid Performance Test Method", etc.
In the 1990s, China formulated standards to develop its own solar photovoltaic energy system standardization system. With the increase of international exchanges, it gradually became the national standard by IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) standards. China's photovoltaic standards and international standards have done a good job. 18 of the standards that have been issued are equivalent to the IEC standards. It can be said that China's standards are basically international standards.
In recent years, the National Standardization Administration Committee encourages enterprises to undertake the preparation of standards. All enterprises can apply for standard setting. The first draft of the standard must be provided at the time of application. The professional standardization committee is responsible for the review.
Liu Zuming said that this approach guides enterprises to actively participate in the formulation of relevant standards for photovoltaic products, and that the products have the corresponding standards and standards when the products are just promoted. The standards with higher levels of market standards can be recommended to the international level and strive to become international standards. However, the national standard represents the country's industrialization and technology level. Every enterprise that undertakes the standard formulation should clearly propose the standard on behalf of the country, not just on behalf of the enterprise.
Liu Zuming said that GB/T9535-1998 "Design and Identification of Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Modules for Surfaces" has reference significance for the formulation of domestic PV standards. When the World Bank and the GEF (Global Environment Facility) assisted China's PV projects in 1999, they were required to provide China's PV module standards. At that time, they only found the old national standard and found that they were far from the IEC standards, so they temporarily put the project on hold. Later, after knowing that China had converted the IEC standard to the Chinese standard, it quickly recognized the new standard and began to promote the aid project. After the implementation of GB/T9535, many manufacturers have improved the quality of their products. In 2002, China implemented the “Power Transmission to the Countryside” project, requiring the components used to comply with the standard and ensuring the quality of the PV modules.
At present, there are many manufacturers of crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules that have passed the international certification of the standard, and the products have also been internationally recognized in terms of exports, which has improved the competitiveness of the products.
Cao Renxian said that Sunshine Power Company is mainly responsible for drafting the standards for photovoltaic grid-connected inverters. Photovoltaic grid-connected inverter equipment is an important component for photovoltaic power generation to access the power grid. Therefore, the photovoltaic grid-connected inverter standard is an important standard in the photovoltaic standard system, and the standard has been submitted for approval.
The quality assurance system of the certification system must keep up with the increasing production of solar cells in China, and more than 98% of the products are exported. The international doubts about Chinese manufacturing are also reflected in the photovoltaic products, and the international market certification requirements are becoming more and more strict. China's product exports need to be certified by the testing agencies recognized by the importing countries, but China has not officially carried out certification work in the photovoltaic field. Since China's PV industry is still a small industry and does not involve important safety issues, China does not require compulsory certification. However, as the requirements of the international PV market become more stringent, certification has become a common requirement of the owners.
Liu Zuming said that China already has a nationally authorized certification body, which can conduct product testing in accordance with relevant national or international standards, and has the conditions for conducting photovoltaic product certification in the hardware environment. Domestic PV testing units mainly include Tianjin Power Research Institute, Shanghai Space Power Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences Solar Photovoltaic Power System and Wind Power System Quality Testing Center. The most important development in testing and certification is that the state has approved the construction of a national-level photovoltaic monitoring center in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, which is a major event in China's photovoltaic industry.
In order to adapt to the rapid development of the domestic and international photovoltaic industry and ensure the healthy development of China's solar photovoltaic energy industry, the “Building China Solar Photovoltaic Product Certification System” project initiated by the National Development and Reform Commission, the World Bank and the Global Environment Facility Renewable Energy Development Project has been launched. The project was undertaken by the Beijing Certification and Certification Center. On August 1, 2006, the “Building China Solar Photovoltaic Product Certification System” project kick-off meeting and implementation rules seminar was held, and the “Solar Photovoltaic Product Certification Technical Committee” was established. Subsequently, the technical committee drafted the "Independent Photovoltaic System Certification Implementation Rules", "Crystal Silicon Crystal Photovoltaic Module Product Certification Implementation Rules", "Charge and Discharge Controllers, DC/AC Inverter Certification Implementation Rules", The technical specifications for valve-regulated sealed lead-acid batteries for photovoltaic systems were discussed, and the implementation rules and technical specifications were basically completed.

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